Registration fees: 250 euro, VAT 22% included. The fee covers all lectures; course materials; lunches and coffee breaks; social dinner.
Please fill in the form below upload a 1 page motivation letter with a brief curriculum vitae.
We encourage applicants to submit a one-page abstract for the Poster Session, to be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 4 September, will give participants an opportunity to receive feedback and advice from the School lecturers
We can offer limited financial support for particularly strong candidates who do not have access to funding. If you wish to apply for it, please send to a letter stating your funding status.
The International Journal of Approximate Reasoning will publish a Special Issue to follow up on the themes covered in the School. Applicants are particularly encouraged to submit their original research to the SI (the usual refereeing procedure applies to guarantee the highest scientific standards). Deadlines to follow.
Student application: June 30, 2024
Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2024
Registration and payment for accepted students: July 26, 2024
Application closed
In addition to applicant quality, the Organizing Committee will consider a number of features including: the coherence of the motivation with the aim and scope of the school, the potential benefit for the student’s research, the timeliness for the development of the student’s career. Preference will be given to applicants not participating onsite in the previous edition (2022) of the school.
The school is especially addressed to doctoral students and young postdoctoral scholars. A very limited number of senior students (e.g., assistant/associate/full professors) can be admitted, if they provide strong and convincing motivation in their application letter.